Monday, August 21, 2017

The Path Of Totality

I was wary of the solar eclipse. The human spectacle was far outweighing the natural phenomenon for me as the event approached. 

Then I heard Dr. Jill Tarter speak and she put the eclipse in cosmic perspective. Then totality itself blew my mind.

As the moon's shadow barreled towards us at nearly 2,000 miles per hour, the temperature dropped around 22°F. Darkness fell and we saw solar flares reflected on the surface of the water. Moments later, "dawn" broke and fog formed over the rushes as swallows came out in force to hunt insects.

Not nearly as impressive, but worthy of note nonetheless were the sheet cakes available at Mr. D's to honor the occasion...

and the coloring contest to win a shrink-wrapped gift basket full of eclipse beer, tootsie rolls, markers, and a coloring book.

Just as quickly as the eclipse came and went, the predicted apocalypse passed us by.

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