Evan found an easy sourdough recipe (masquerading as a weird, homespun horror film) for the starter that his parents sent us from Alaska. It has us baking up a storm-- Evan doing most of the baking and me providing the storm (aka mad chopping and ingredient acquisition).

Fresh rosemary and garlic cloves... Blue cheese and walnuts... The possibilities are endless (and all so tasty and good looking)!

And then there's King Kale (an apt nickname). I am craving the stuff like it's goin' outta style! Although I have to admit to consuming a grand total of three jars of ramen yesterday, my cravings are slowing shifting away from pasta and sugar.

Slowly... but surely.
All that said, here are some yummy recipes from my appreciative belly to yours:
Green Chile Biscuits and Chipotle Gravy
Coconut Shrimp Curry
Winter of Magic Puttanesca
Green Chile Biscuits and Chipotle Gravy
Coconut Shrimp Curry
Winter of Magic Puttanesca
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