Friday, November 22, 2024

Our Story

Dr. Roy Casagranda plays loose and fast with history in this lecture and doesn't completely nail the details, but I like his message.

And, big picture, I don't think he's wrong. In fact, the story he tells makes SO MUCH SENSE.

He highlights two human tension points:

We are the only species we know of experiencing menopause in a patriarchy. He believes widespread cultural misogyny is a recent development brought about by the advent of agriculture and war. 

Primates are primarily prey species and yet we find ourselves in the role of planetary apex predator. Our fears coupled with our tools have made us uniquely dangerous.

In both cases, our innovations have outpaced the evolution of our wisdom.

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but only for want of wonder." -- G. K. Chesterton

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Lacking Words

what's the name for

a heterosexual wife's

sweet relief

when her husband 

first goes to talk therapy? 

My Cat Era


I mean. They are perfect. Just don't tell my twelve year old self who really, really wanted this dog:

These days I am simply charmed by the self sufficiency of cats. Their purr. That soft fur.

Wouldn't have called it for myself, but so glad I'm here for it.